This trading covered calls for income course, will show how selling or writing covered calls is a good way to use options to make extra income from your stock portfolio. Covered Calls are also a safer options strategy than just buying calls and puts outright.
Covered Calls For Income Course
This webinar course on writing and trading covered calls for income, along with the OptionsPlay tool, will quickly show you how it works.
Some of the topics include:
- What is a covered call?
- Choosing expiration dates and strike prices
- Exit strategies
- Automate the process
This course is a follow on from the ‘how to trade options for beginners’ course. You may want to complete that course first.
This options course is provided by Firstrade who also provide the free options software ‘OptionsPlay’ to make trading options easier.
You may also want to take the next course in this series: Best Weekly Options Trading Strategies.
For more videos visit the website.